Wow what a week this has been!!!
Summer has certainly arrived here on the Coast...lovely hot days...some with a little breeze, perfect to get into that water this weekend!!!
A couple of weeks ago I signed up for an Easy Peasy Swap with Vicki sewing involved...just send 2 Fat Quarters to your Partner...along with a metre/yard of ribbon/trim...and 2 Festive buttons...
My Partner was Katie over in America and here are my received goodies... 2 very Wintery looking Fat Quarters...more than a metre of red ribbon...a pack of Festive buttons and a treat...a homemade Snowman Hot Chocolate mix...enough to make 6 cups!!!
Opening the parcel was like opening a little Winter Wonderland...
as Christmas in the Land Down Under is usually quite warm if not very hot!!!
Thank you so much Katie ...
I am thoroughly enjoying my Easy Peasy Swap package... and Thank You Vicki for hosting this fun little Swap just before Christmas!!!
And look what I found while up in the 'big smoke'...little post it labels to mark recipes in favourite magazines/cookbooks...
how cool are they!!!

A few weeks ago while it was still cool I used these frozen berries to make a Cherry Clafoutis...but mine was Berry Clafoutis...Clafoutis is batter based dessert from Limousin in the centre of France...I thought I would try using gluten free flour to see how it worked...
Mixing the ingredients...
Ready for the oven...
All ready...dust with icing sugar...add more berries...
With some cream...all went well!!! So far the few recipes I have tried substituting gluten free flour for regular flour have worked really well!!!
I have discovered this fabulous book using only 4 ingredients...from it tonight I have made a cheesecake base using rice biscuits...almond meal...butter...Hopefully tomorrow I will make the cheesecake for Dessert to celebrate our Wedding Anniversary which was this week...along with a cook-up with Vicki from Donna Hay magazine!!!
This week saw me receive this Over The Top Award from Bev ...Along with this Award came some 'over the top' questions so I'll have a go at answering them here!!!Where is your cell phone...on my table Your
Your Mother...well
Your Father...missed
Favourite the moment I am partial to Maggi Beer's Pate
Your dream last night...don't know
Favourite drink...tonight cold white wine
Your dream/ do the best I can
What room are you in...home office
Your hobby...varied
Your fear...who'll do the caring when we're gone
Where do you want to be in 6 years....healthy
Where were you last night...home
Something that you aren't...nasty
Muffins...gluten free only
Wish list item...a holiday with Hubby sounds good with JoJo in good care
Where did you grow up...Sydney
Last thing you did...had ice cream
What are you wearing...bright colours
Your TV...on
Your Pets...happy
Your life...busy at the moment
Your mood...cheerful
Missing someone...Dad
Something you aren't wearing...winter clothing
Favourite Store...this is hard...I like them all!!!
Favourite, blue
When was the last time you
Last time you cried...watching the news
Your best friend...always positive
One place I go to over and over...beach
One person who emails me regulary...more than 1
Favourite place to be...with family
To pass this onto six blogs was very I'll go over the top by 1 and pass this Award on to...
Clarity ... whose W0nderland I thoroughly enjoy Janey ... who does great scrapbooking of family pics on her blog Kath ... her crafty life in an English Railway cottage Millie ... whose life with MOTH always makes me chuckle Vicki ... who I have fun with doing Cook-Ups Thank You Bev for this 'Over The Top Award'!!!
And this Award from dear sweet Clarity I'd like to pass on to all my regular readers and blogging I think you are all Kreativ Bloggers!!!
Thank You Clarity!!!Have a great weekend everybody...and I hope you can all get to cool off somehow...Dzintra