Finally...pleased with myself as the newest stocking is finally finished...the 4th one along. At times I thought it was going to take forever...after appliqueing the back I found that I had done it on the wrong side...so pull it all undone and start again...then the needle broke...no spares of course...then I ran out of cord...nevertheless, all done now...and hanging proudly with the others!!!

...a lovely tree ornament, cookie cutter and a Christmas tea towel!!! How did you know Andrea that I always buy myself a new tea towel for Christmas!!! I have had the most fun with this blog...setting it up as Queen of the Armchair after my surgery...and meeting lots of lovely people out there!!! Now, it's off to deck the halls, spread some cheer over the weekend with decorations, flowers, candles and of course...some good food and bubbly. Enjoy your weekend in this lead up to the Holiday Season!!!

...and then to my delight and surprise, just at the right time...what seemed to come as a reward...a Christmas gift from my blogging friend Andrea!!! Okay, put it under the tree...but Andrea says go on, you can open it now...so,

Oh wow the stockings are so lovely. these is so much work in these. I admire anyone who has the patience do do crosswork - well done!!
WOW.!!! your Stockings are Truly Beautiful what a Lovely keepsake...cheers
What a collection of stockings! The present is lovely too. :o)
My compliment from Italy.
Your stocking is such a lovely addition to the set and they look so charming lined up on the banister.
Andrea's gift is delightful!
Have fun decorating.
Cheers...Ann :)
Love the stockings! What a nice gift to receive :) How sweet!!
Take care
Dear Ingrid, your stockings are really amazing!! how long did it iake to make them??? wow!
the mistake in my embroidery is visible..the right reindeer has a longest and thinner nose! one stitch missing..thank you, hugs!
Well done Dzintra! I love all the stockings! They are so lovely!
Dzintra those stockings are a work of art.I always admired but never even tried....too impatient...lol!The gifts are just precious.
Hugs Annabelle
Your cross-stitch stockings are really beautiful. They look lovely all lined up together.
wow thats wonderful. now do you fill them all? if so wow amazing.
cute presents too
I cannot get over all those BEAUTIFUL Shepard Bush Stockings!
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