exciting is little blog that I started when I pressed the button that said Create Blog has just grown in ways that I never imagined...
To celebrate wonderful new friendships...
faraway places visited...Latvia...America...Inter-State Australia...The Netherlands...Ireland...England...France...and many more countries I thought it's my turn to host a Giveaway!!!
I have met other Carers dealing in the day-to-day caring of their Loved One...
and knowing that I am not the only one out there doing it!!!
I feel well and truly blessed!!!
The actual prize is a pattern by Linda Haigh of A Patchwork Cow...including little naive painted dolly to pin onto the cushion...
Same deal as in the past...
leave a comment and JoJo will draw the winners from one of her Magic Hats 2 posts from this one!!!
Regular commenters automatically will be put in twice!!!

you will not be disappointed...a very generous giveaway she is having!!!

I find it hard to select a few blogs to pass on to...
so I pass it on to you I figure we all need a Lemonade in this warm weather!!!
Thank you Micki for thinking of me!!!
Have a great weekend everyone...
and as usual...I'm off to the beach for a swim!!!