Christmas is all over...the New Year has begun...I love this time of year...
Endless sunny warm days all rolling into one another...lots of them spent at the beach!!!
And one of my favourite sayings...I love a salty blue day!!!
I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and a Happy New Year...bring on 2010!!!
and saw abundant wildflowers...above are lupin...amongst others...

Just before dinner time I thought I would take a walk...Hubby said 'have you got your camera'...and I raced back to get it...whilst walking I saw a spectacular sunset...and have shown many pics from my little walk...I was just mesmerized!!!
Australia is prone to bushfires...above are tree trunks left from about 4 years ago when part of the Mountains was on fire...
These pics speak for themselves...
No 40c heat here...more like 8c...and nearly time to put gloves on...but oh so refreshing!!!

On the way home now...and a pic of the Monaro Plains...
No 40c heat here...more like 8c...and nearly time to put gloves on...but oh so refreshing!!!
"When I admire the wonder of a sunset or the beauty of the moon,
my soul expands in worship of the Creator."
Mahatma Gandhi, 1869-1948
this is country leading up to the Mountains...
often known as the Treeless Plains
Here is a quilt received by one of the family...such beautiful warm colours, perfect for the Mountain weather...
often known as the Treeless Plains
Fantastic...I think I need to make some too...
the project a month...
One craft project a month to be made...
and put on my sidebar...
My first Challenge and I am so excited...
hopefully this will spur me on!!!
And by co-incidence (but they reckon there are no co-incidences)...
I went to a workshop yesterday and put together a bag made of Charm Squares...
this bag was completed today...
only the button has to be stitched on...
and I already have my first completed article...and I can't stop smiling!!!
Oh how my heart jumped at the sight of those beautiful photos, The lupins are gorgeous, they also grow in abundance here in the UK, I do love lupins, though have never had much success in growing them in my garden, they are a favorite food for the native slugs and sadly, I have more slugs than anything in my garden. The sunset pic is super, and makes me think of the coming months of spring... And what a beautiful quilt. Hugs Janey xxxx
What beautiful pictures the sunsets are breathtaking and the flowers sure make me want Spring to get here but....we have alot of snow yet to come so I need to be patient and lock myself away and get some sewing done...
Oh Dzintra! Your pictures are magnificent and Ghandi was right! I can't help see all the beauty and WORSHIP the creator in my heart and soul! Oh..thank you for coming to visit, and YES! AREN'T THOSE EMBROIDERED FRENCH SILK BOOKS WONDERFUL? Right up your alley, my dear! Visit the blog from which they are from...I put that at the end of my post. You will love it. Have a magnificent weekend! Anita
I still can't get used to Christmas being warm, in your part of the world. In the Northern Hemisphere, Christmas goes with cold/snow/etc. And since I grew up with this, it's inbred. :-)
Wondering if in the Southern Hemisphere, your Christmas art shows warm scenes? Not all the snow scenes which we use, in the N. Hemisphere?
We're all rolling around space, on this little planet Earth. But the view is certainly different, from diff places. :-)
Dzintra, if I come into a fortune I will buy one of those "beam me up Scottie" machines and nip over to collect you. We will come back to England for the day and we can run about playing snowballs and make a snowman. Then when we get too cold, we will beam ourselves back to NSW and swim in the warm sea and eat seafood on the beach. Wouldn't that be grand?
A truly lovely blog. I found you via Anita at Castles. We are just back in the States after living downunder for 6 years. I'll be back to see you often.
Oh Dzintra
What beautiful photos... I've have only been to the snowy mountains in spring once, many moons ago and it was glorious and al the wildflowers quite unexpected ... I love this quote by Ghandi, I haven't heard that particular one before. I'm glad you enjoyed your Christmas break... and sounds like you are very excited over your new projects... look forward to seeing what you get up to... take care xx Julie
Everytime I hear tell of your beautiful mountains I recall the wonderful movie 'The Man From Snowy River'.
And then to stir the senses, you show tantalizing wildflowers whose delicate blooms speak of Spring that lies just over the horizon...
Thank you D for helping us escape from Winter's cocooning to enjoy the scenery you have shared.
x Susan
Absolutely gorgeous photographs! What a loevly place to spend Christmas :) Happy New Year! :D
Thank you thank you Dzintra, for all those breath-taking photos of your Snowy Mountains! The lupines are just gorgeous, and the scenery is very like the parts of Oregon where our ranch is... all except for the types of trees. We have mostly pines. The treeless plains look just like large areas of Oregon! Just lovely, and Mahatma Gandhi's words say it perfectly.
OPAM, what a fun challenge! I can't wait to see all your creations! That quilt and the placemats of charm squares are wonderful! Oh dear... I feel myself getting pulled toward crafts made of fabric by your pictures! I'm slow as a snail, but I guess the fun is is the time spent, right?
Great post Dzintra~ xxxVicki
happy new year.... my friend Dzintra
i have miss blog-land.... but i think i am back on track
happy new year.... my friend Dzintra
i have miss blog-land.... but i think i am back on track...i must say what beautiful pictures
Such a beautiful part of the world, thank you for taking us with you on your walk!
Enjoy the challenge. It will be great to see what you come up with.
Thanks for the stunning pics. I truly love Australian sky. It's so beautiful and the change from each seasons is magnificent. I took some pics today on the plane back from Canberra too - Hugs Nat
Ohh.. so lovely pictures.. and we have some of those flowers too.. :o))
Happy 2+1+ to you and your family..and how envy I am of you and the BEACHDAYS...:o))
Hello Dzintra, thanks for the tour of the Blue Mountains,just beautiful. So glad you got into the OPAM Challenge,happy sewing.
those are gorgeous photos.... what a beautiful day and sunset !!
you are so lucky!
enjoy your special projects too
Thanks so much D for showing your amazing vistas. I am always so curious about your it is nice to see it through your eyes. Never in a million years would I have thought I would have friends in Australia.
Had a lovely holiday...and always glad to be moving on. We've known each other for a year - and where will we be next year?
Wishing you and your family a very, very Happy New Year.
Catherine xx
Spectacular images of some of the best country in Australia. I just love the Snowy Mountains. I think you'll enjoy the OPAM. I can't wait to see pix of your Charm Bag! Happy Stitching, Ann :-)
Good Morning Dzintra, the Snowy Mountains is on my to do list...thank you for the pics...I wish it was 8 C here today...very warm overnight and waiting for the change.....Hugs Lyn
Wow! Wonderful post, Dzintra! Lupin and Yarrow wildflowers grow here too! :)
Beautiful shots of your trip, and I love the quilt!
And what a great challenge idea - have fun with it!
Oh Dzintra! We could use some sweltering temps here! All is well, however; we are getting some major achievements completed and that hopefully, will welcome in a wonderful spring of celebration! Do enjoy the link I sent you....and have a wonderful day my friend! Anita
What beautiful pictures you've taken!
Lovely photos from your Snowy Mountain visit. The lupins are beautiful!
Lovely photos. Beautiful skies.
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