It's Friday night and the lights are the ABBA great hit Dancing Queen starts...
We are taking JoJo to see the tribute band BABBA tomorrow night...she's off to the Hairdresser to have spikes put into her hair (like Rod Stewart's)...then sprayed blue!!!
Meanwhile we have a little visitor here for the weekend...hence the low lights...
our Grandson is here as his Mum and Dad are off to a Wedding...
Our BABBA tickets were purchased before we knew Ryan was coming here and our Dear Son... to the rescue and he will watch his little Nephew while we sing along to Dancing Queen...Fernando, Mamma Mia and a host of other ABBA hits!!!
Meanwhile...yesterday a surprise package in the mailbox from Simone... Simone and I have been regularly in touch with each other and she mentioned she had seen some Tilda fabrics...I had never seen any but had seen Tilda mentioned through Blogland...
which led to Simone sending me some...along with a little stitchery...
First of all the above card which she said reminded her of me...(can't be with the cooking course can it!!! I have been posting our weekly menus and pics on my other blog My Dolce Vita)...the little card on the top left has the stitchery all done and coloured in...and all clipped together with this happy little wooden peg!!!
I know the pic is not too clear...cakes on a stand...with a heart on the bottom...
Tilda fabrics...and I thought I would use this variegated thread...Simone also has the same fabric and pattern...and we are going to be stitching this together!!!
Thank You so much Simone...and how very thoughtful of you!!!
I look forward to doing our little project together♥
I had to add this pic into this post...Tripod set up by DH to take a pic of Borscht (beetroot soup) simmering on the stove...
Every time I took it all you could see was steam coming up out of the pot!!!
Simmering away...
Chopping dill (dillweed)...a favourite of Latvians.
Added flavourings in Latvian dishes come from cream, caraway, onions, nuts and seeds.
Exotic spices are usually added to special dishes on special occasions...
Dill used to garnish this hearty soup...along with sour cream.
Add a piece of dark rye bread...
A little while ago Natima asked for a beetroot recipe and I have taken this one from this very well worn recipe book...
BORSCHT (Beet Soup)1lb beef short ribs - boneless, cut into bite sized pieces...(I used a slow simmering steak)
6 medium beets...pre boiled, diced
1/2 sm cabbage, shredded
2 carrots, diced
2 cups tomatoes or tomato juice
1 medium onion, chopped
2 stalks celery, diced
1 T fresh dill, chopped
1 Bay Leaf
4 peppercorns
1 T lemon juice
1 T salt
Place meat in saucepan... cover with about 8 cups of water/stock
Add 1 T salt, Bay Leaf, onion, peppercorns and cook approx 45 m
Add rest of prepared vegetables...cook another 30 m
Add more water if necessary
If desired add 1/2 c sour cream - before serving.
This is a lovely soup...beaut flavours, and one of my favourites!!!
Back cover of the little book showing traditional sweet yeastbreads...pussy willow in the vase...and a little carved box with lid...
A little interesting excerpt from the book:
Riga (capital of Latvia) during the years of Latvia's independence was very proud to have one of the largest produce markets in all Europe, second only to the famous Les Halles in Paris...
'Klinger' in the back left...
Recipe from: Latvian Cooking
Recipe Collection from a Baltic Cuisine
Published by the Ladies Auxiliary of the Latvian Relief Society of Canada Inc.
Special Thanks to: Livija Grinbergs, Astrida Robez, Tonija Kruka and all the good cooks who helped create this book
Covers: A. Robez: Photography J.L. Davis
Printed by Campbell-Barry (1984) Ltd. Hamilton, Ontario, 1985
I am so grateful I came across this little book in the late 1980's...many of the recipes in there remind me of my dear Grandmother's/Vecmamina's cooking!!!
I'm looking forward to the concert tomorrow night...
And if any of you try this recipe let me know how you go with it...
there are probably a few variations out there!!!
Have a great weekend...Dzintra♥