I recently joined a '6 Item Swap' hosted by Maree...I think I'll dub Maree 'Queen of Swaps' now...she always seems to have one going and this is my first one with her!!! I am absolutely thrilled with my gifts from Thimbelina!!!
Thank you so much for organizing this fabulous Swap Maree...
and thank you Tracy for the wonderful gifts...I love them all and I can't stop looking at them!!!
Before the 'Grand Opening'!!!
I had thought about saving them till Christmas...but nah that didn't work!!!
First one was 'Something to read'...
A book in this gorgeous bookpouch... And check out the book...City of Bones...Vampires versus Werewolves!!! I'm going to love getting into this one Tracy!!! Perfect holiday reading!!! I'm never without a book to read!!!
This very thoughtful note that came in the book!!!
'Something for the Craft Room'...a little elephant pincushion...Very cute!!!
Something handmade...
And check this out...this little armchair companion by LeeAnn Beasley...this is a pattern I have admired for some time and had not gotten around to purchasing it...You read my mind Tracy!!!
And what gal can't resist 'Something smelly'...Coconut & Lime soap accompanied by a lovely scented candle!!! I light a candle most evenings Tracy...and even during the day sometimes!!! Just perfect!!!
'Something to eat' CHOCOLATE!!!
'Christmas Item'...This one I was going to save till Christmas Day...I walked away from it...stared at it...walked away...and gave in and opened it up...and what a beautiful little tea towel...I usually get myself a new teatowel every Christmas!!! Mr Armchair then came into the room and said 'I thought you were going to save that one'!!! Hah...fat chance!!! 
All opened up...
And all together...sitting nicely while I walk past and admire it every day!!! I'm going to love using all this Tracy...but until then I'm just going to keep looking at it!!! Thank you so much Tracy...this was is soooo much fun!!!
And a big thank you to Maree...I think I'll be participating in the next Swap!!!
Hello Dzintra,
Great lot of presents, know wonder you couldn't wait. The elephant is just so cute!!!
Happy days.
What great presents and so very nicely wrapped and labeled! That is half the present already!
YAY!!! Look at all those goodies. Such a pretty early Christmas treat. Glad to see you are enjoying them all.
Happy Holidays Dzintra :)
So nice!! All of it! I LOVE swap had a few this year and I am going to do one in the early new year (see my poll in my side bar) Thank you for your encouraging comment today meant a lot :-) xx
Gorgeous gifts Dzintra. I really enjoyed this swap and Maree was a darling to organise it.
Hope it happens again next year.
Have a merry Christmas.
Oh now isn't this so wonderful! Books, crafts, CHOCOLATE, fun, and most of all, the LOVE of a friend between the miles....such magic here dearest. And yes, let us raise our tea cups, or CHAMPAGNE FLUTES and toast a fine year of creativity and companionship....to you dearest Dzintra, to you........Anita
Oh! what a lucky girl you are.
Thanks for sharing your treasures.
I'm sure you will enjoy them all.
Have a good week.
Well Done on a Gorgeous Swap Partner...You have Done Very Well & Yes I Guess it will Happen Again Next Year..so Many have Really Enjoyed this One...
ho ho ho
What a wonderful swap goodies you have there my dear. Lovely packaging and plenty of choices - Enjoy enjoy - Hugs Nat
Beautiful gifts! I've still got my gifts wrapped except for the xmas one, I'm being strong!
Lovely goodies..and oh so spoilt...our Trace is one gorgeous girl...enjoy all you treats Dzintra...
Wow Dzintra ! now that is a swop lots of work lots of goodies lots of fun.
I have found an old moon ritual for the Solstice that I thought you might like to have
This is the time of the fullness of the Moon.
All things wax and wane, and on this evening
The powers of life, of magic, and of creation are at their highest.
This is the time of building, of doing.
It is a time when the veil between the mundane world
And the strange and beautiful realms of Elphame becomes thin indeed.
On this night one may transcend the boundaries of the worlds with ease,
And know of beauty and enchantment.
This is the time of the fullness of the Moon.
A time for weaving of the inchoate into being,
Of spinning the strands of space and of time to bring forth Creation.
For all does rotate, and turn about upon itself;
This is a Mystery of the greatest magnitude.
The Gods know of it, and we shall also.
Weave a spell of moonlight,
And fashion with it a fabric of pure magical substance.
This is the time of the fullness of the Moon.
This is a time of travelling unseen in the full moonlight,
A time for hearing elfin music not made by humankind.
It is a time for oneness with the forest, with the mountains,
With the eternal and life-giving sea, with the warm rains
And the bolt of lightening that creates the very spark of life.
It is a time to stand before the Cauldron of our Lady
And to see form, and substance, and being created anew once more.
Enjoy Love Lynn xxx
love the gifts from Tracy.........she does beautiful work........
A lovely collection of swap pressies, Dzintra.
It looks like Santa has come early D.
Wishing you and Hubby and of course JoJo a Very Merry Christmas.
Susan x
Lots of wonderful pressies here Dzintra..
I hope christmas brings you many more and much love and joy to you and yours.. thanks for being such a great blog friend and I look forward to more fun in 2011.. ciao xxx Julie
What a grand box of treasures you received. Looks like fun!!!
I just wanted to wish you and yours a very blessed and Merry Christmas filled with friends, family and fudge baby, heaps of wonderfully delicious fudge.
Just spreadin' the sweetness!!! :o)
Lovely presents!!
Whishing you and your family a really Happy Christmas en a Blessed NewYear!!
Love from Holland!
I would say you made out like a bandit, Girlfriend! What happy packages! Love the labels on the parcels.
Merry Christmas...difficult to imagine Christmas in balmy weather!
xx00 Kim
MERRY CHRISTMAS DEAREST ONE! It is onlyy 5:00am here, and much later in the day of celebration for you, but THANK YOU FOR YOUR GREETING! And guess what my husband brought home yesterday?! I have NEVER, EVER SEEN THIS BEFORE, but he brought home a RED WINE WITH CHOCOLATE! The wine vendor told him it was OUTSTANDING and if we didn't like it, to take it back and HE WOULD DRINK IT FOR US,money back, of course! It is from the Netherlands!
I cannot wait to try it today as we skip over across the street to eat with neighbors.
We have TONS of snow but it is so delightful.....wishing you health, happiness and a year of sheer delight in ALL THAT YOU DO!
BISES, Anita
What great presents! Swaps are always so much fun. Enjoy the upcoming week!
Dzintra!!! HOW WAS YOUR CHRISTMAS DEAREST? Yes, 2011 has much to offer to us all....I hope that yours is a healthy and happy celebration of life and love! MUCH JOY TO YOU DEAR FRIEND! Bises, Anita
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