Last week JoJo and I had the best surprise...
a very special gift all the way from California from Vicki
found in the box below...
(as you might already know from a previous post I'm a Harry Potter fan...
and have a collection of the stuff!!!)

How excited were we to see this!!!

A glass of pink bubbles for me...iced coffee for JoJo...
together with some Rice Crackers and a dip!!!
All by candlelight!!!
Hubby was away overnight and it was just '2 girls' as JoJo calls it!!!
Harry Potter glasses....wands...1 each!!!
Party favours...a hard candy kit...
Boy were we blown away by all this!!!
Thank you so much Vicki for this very very special gift...
and your thoughtfulness...
We are over the moon !!!
This has really gotten us into the Spirit of Halloween...
Halloween is not widely celebrated here in The Land Down Under but I have noticed over the last few years it is slowly creeping in...with shops starting to stock costumes for the treats etc...
So I thought I would research Halloween a little...find some of its' origins and a bit of history to go with it all...
A quick look on Wikipedia led to this...
Halloween (also spelled Hallowe'en) is an annual holiday celebrated on October 31. It has roots in the Celtic festival of Samhain and the Christian holy day of All Saints. The day is often associated with orange and black, and is strongly associated with symbols like the jack-o-lantern . Halloween activities include trick-or-treating, wearing costumes and attending costume parties, ghost tours, bonfires, visiting haunted attractions, pranks, telling scary stories, and watching horror films.
There is a lot of fun associated with this celebration...
so we are going to have our own fun here...
we have never done this before...
we are going to play the Harry Potter cards...
get dressed up for the occassion...
put some Harry Potter movies on...
and hope that the Trick-or-Treaters come again this they did last year and surprised us all!!!'s party time!!!
it's now ready for a border...
it is our 3rd Spring here and I have never seen roses here this size!!!
And a special treat you might like to enjoy this Halloween...or any time that is chocolate time...Chocolate Cups...for the recipe hop on over to my other blog My Dolce Vita !!!

Bon Appetit...and Happy Halloween!!!
And Thank You again Vicki for encouraging us to do this...we are certainly going to enjoy our first Halloween celebration!!!