Hello dear Friends on this very hot Friday leading up to the weekend...but I'm not complaining...I'd rather the heat than the cold anytime!!!
Here are my centre blocks for Gail Pan's Block of the Month (BOM) Mystery Quilt entitled Christmas Wish...click the BOM on my sidebar for more details. I tea-dyed my calico, hung the little squares up...went back inside...and when coming out I thought how cute do they all look hanging on the line...will have to blog that!!! Have never done a mystery quilt before but after seeing all the girls on the various blogs showing their ones completed...I thought...mmm...maybe give it a go!!!
Only knowing that Gail suggested using red around the centrepiece I used what I had...
...and then when I went to my local Patchwork Shop to see the new premises...I bought 2 fat quarters thinking they will somehow fit in with the Mystery Quilt!!! If they don't it won't matter...they will look nice sitting on the shelf anyway!!! Pictured also are the threads used so far...I used the colours Gail recommended

A couple of pics of the interior...everything looks so nice and new...the colours are all fresh and bright...there is a buzz about it all...and there were some very pretty quilts hanging!!! The colours are all pastely and soft...something I'm not used to...coming from the country to the coast. In the colder mountain/country areas where I come from I lent towards the country/darker colours...still do sometimes...and all these lighter colours are a whole new world for me...but I think the trend these days heads towards the pretty lighter shades anyway!!!
And then...a surprise from Andrea one morning... The Spreader of Love Award...to be shared amongst 5 Lovelies!!! Thank you Andrea for thinking of me...I accept this with...Love!!!
I would like to share this Award with:
Ann...Catherine...Fer...Kath...Micki and Simone (okay that's 6)
This heart made me think of a Valentine's Day Chocolate Heart...can't believe Valentine's Day is only 2 weeks away...so to all the chocolate lovers out there...and especially to you dear Catherine...please enjoy!!! I check in with all these Lovelies regularly...so please pay them a visit when you have a chance!!!
Enjoy this very warm week my Friends...and keep cool, if you can...and to you all in the Northern Hemisphere...I assure you the sun is on it's way...Our mornings are increasingly getting darker very quickly as are our evenings!!!
Thank You for your Visit!!!

I would like to share this Award with:
Ann...Catherine...Fer...Kath...Micki and Simone (okay that's 6)
This heart made me think of a Valentine's Day Chocolate Heart...can't believe Valentine's Day is only 2 weeks away...so to all the chocolate lovers out there...and especially to you dear Catherine...please enjoy!!! I check in with all these Lovelies regularly...so please pay them a visit when you have a chance!!!
Enjoy this very warm week my Friends...and keep cool, if you can...and to you all in the Northern Hemisphere...I assure you the sun is on it's way...Our mornings are increasingly getting darker very quickly as are our evenings!!!
Thank You for your Visit!!!
I love your drying center blocks! How clover to have them all finished. And what a lovely patchwork shop you have in your neighborhood. Those soft colors are definitely my tast.
Thank you so much for this special award!
Thankyou so much for the delicious award. Even more welcome as it is made of cyber-chocolate!
Your washing line reminds me of when I wash the old towells for the dogs and have to apologise to the neighbours!Enjoy the sun- we're all mad jealous here in grey old England XX Kath XX
Well thank you very much! If I get any more awards I'll be too big for my britches! (I love that expression.) I will post it near Valentine's Day I think. Is that embroidery yours? I would really like to begin embroidering - not that I have the time - but now I know where to turn if I need help!
Happy weekend,
Oh Dzintra, how sweet of you! What a lovely surprise and I'm in good company too. You must tell me the name of the quilt shop as I have fallen in love with one of the quilts in your picture. I wonder if Gail realises what she has started with this Mystery Quilt of hers. The first block is delightful and your fabrics are lovely. Your *washing* on the line looks great too. Are you experiencing the same temps as Melbourne itself or getting some relief from the sea breezes?
Have a fabulous weekend!
Ann :)
The shop looks great for a visit..
Your off to a great start tea dying the centre blocks,,, I love tea-dyed calico..
Will be interesting to see the mystery quilt evolve..
Julia ♥
I love the tea-dyed calico photo Dzintra. The new store looks like a lot of fun.
Thanks for your kind words of encouragement on my blog. Hope to be back blogging soon dear friend.
The little tea-dyed squares of calico look rather cute there, hanging on your line.
The new patchwork shop looks great. I think you are right, pastel fabrics seem to be used a lot more these days.
I just love your blocks.... and the colours are gorgeous.....and my goodness your local patchwork shop.....looks very inviting.....thanks for the nice comment you left on my blog
Good Afternoon,I have finished the first block....what an effort in this heat......I am so glad you loved your Spreader of Love Award.
((Hugs)) Andrea
How Cute is that Pic of the fabric drying...Your Xmas wish block looks Lovely and love the fabric to go with it...
Thank you Dzintra! That's so nice of you.
Enjoy your mystery quilt, looks like it should be fun. :o)
What a great project-I'm all about spreading the LOVE too-hey we're sisters of love, aren't we?
Have a blessed day,
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