All the way by Royal Mail from England has arrived my SSCS from Diane
Included was this whimsical Santa Card
And 2 Christmas Ornaments......
We can open the smaller package
but this bigger one has to remain sealed until Christmas Day
It was placed under the Christmas Tree today.......sigh, and now all I can do is look at it
Thank you so much Diane!!!
Thank you so much Diane!!!
This is the package I sent off to my Partner Dagmar in Germany along with some Lindt Dark Chocolate with Sea Salt
Out of this lovely screen print that I had purchased from Shop Handmade in Canberra
I made this little Christmas decoration......I thought it most suitable as she probably has a White Christmas
The ric rac is vintage now as I bought it years ago to make an Angel Suit for my Sister's little newborn first Baby.....
This didn't get made up so the ric rac sat there until I thought I would use it for Dagmar's Ornament......
Never mind now that the Baby is 35 years old!!!
I hope you enjoy your little decoration Dagmar along with the chocolate and now we both patiently wait to open our parcels!!!
Thank you to dear Chooky for organising this fantastic swap.......always a good one to be part of!!!
Hi Dzintra love the decorations. Both received and sent this is such a fun swap enjoy your evening my friend.xx
Sweet, sweet love. ABSOLUTELY SWEET LOVE! Getting those in the mail is such a fabulous surprise and a keepsake for all time. AND my friend, what a GIFT from your son to take you to PARIS?????????? GO GO GO! Your husband will take care of the homefront, but you must see Paris. You have yourself a lush time with your boy....think of me, think of all of us who adore this city. Visit Vicki Archer's blog: FRENCH ESSENCE and see what Paris has to offer. Vicki is the go-to-woman for anything Parisian.
Ahhhh...what a gift to see your comment. I am so thrilled for you!!!!!! Anita
Oh the suspense! And a present 35 years in the making - I love it!
Lovely, lovely - and now to wait….and wait…
It's such a great idea to have ornaments that you can open as soon as your parcel arrives. I bet your big present looks wonderful sitting under the tree. Only a few weeks to go...
it was my pleasure to send to you x .. NO squeezing that parcel now xx
I love Chooky's SSCS, always so much love and care in the packages. Great little story behind your vintage ricrac.
love the ornaments both sent and received............keep that parcel safe.........
how fun... love the ornies that came and got sent...
Lovely ornaments! It is exciting to have a special parcel under your tree x
Enjoy the swaps Dzintra. Much be hard to wait till Christmas to open the BIG parcel! Enjoy Sunday evening
I've missed out on some blog reading lately, and am trying to do a little catching up. I've read back over some of your past few posts and didn't want to over load you with comments.
Aren't the swaps fun, I always remember the year I sent to you, so glad still that Chooky paired us up! It's been a pleasure getting to know you.
Dear Dzintra,
your ornament is gorgeous! I love it even more now that I heard of the special story behind the ric rac! Only one more week until I may open your main gift :) So exciting... Have fun with your gifts from Diane!
BTW no snow over here...but that's okay with me. I am not a winter girl. I would love Christmas in Australia, I guess :)
Take care, Dagmar
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